I have a gift for you.

In the spring of 2024, after completing one of my postgraduate concussion specialist trainings, I started writing a guidebook. My goal? To create something I wish I’d had in 2020 when I sustained the life-changing injury I’m still dealing with today.

I wanted it to include the crucial info I needed back then: what was happening in my brain, what I should avoid, and what I could do to give my brain the best chance at a full recovery.

It’s called “Think You Might Have a Concussion? Here’s What You Need to Know, What to Do Next, and What NOT to Do”—and I’m sharing it with you for free, because I want as many people as possible to have this potentially life-changing information.

It is a well-known fact in concussion literature and clinical practice that people who seek early intervention after a concussion have a significantly reduced chance of developing persistent symptoms. The information contained in this guide is considered best practice for anyone starting out in concussion recovery — whether that’s immediately after an injury (ideally), or even months or years later if you didn’t know any better (like me in 2020) when your injury first happened. There is still hope for recovery and improvement if you take the right steps.

This mini-book guide is perfect for anyone who’s had a recent concussion, but it’s also helpful if you’re months or years into your recovery, still dealing with symptoms, and unsure of your next steps. It’s also great for friends or loved ones supporting someone on a concussion journey. Understanding their experience and what’s happening in their brain can make all the difference.

I’ve included a section on persistent post-concussion symptoms (PPCS), formerly called post-concussion syndrome (PCS). While I don’t dive into the details of PPCS treatment, as it’s highly individualized, the guide covers foundational tools for people to start with.

I will likely expand or update this guide over time as new research emerges. If you download it, you’ll be added to my concussion email list and get future updates and revisions. I realize that it is a big deal for you to provide me with your name and email address, and I don’t take this lightly. I will not spam you or give/sell your information to anyone else. Ever.

I will only use it to send you book revisions, update you on advances in concussion care and research that I think you might find interesting and actionable, and tell you when I create other concussion-related products, programs, or services that I think you might be interested in. You are, of course, free to unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want these updates from me.